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Welcome to threethings. I document my adventures in food, travel and life (threethings). Thanks for stopping by!

welcome back!

welcome back!

It’s been many months since I posted here. I always wanted Three Things to be a fun outlet for me to share my life, food, and travels with those that wanted to read. I never wanted it to feel like a chore or something I had to do. But 2019 turned out to be a year full of transitions. There were some challenging moments, especially professionally, but also some beautiful surprises! 

I found myself itching to share more about my pregnancy on Instagram and here, create new recipes and hear from you on how you handle big transitions in life- but every time I started or tried, it never felt right. So I honoured my feelings and allowed myself space to experience life - to experience a turbulent work environment, a new pregnancy, and a world full of transitions. 

I began writing this post late January when I thought I had four weeks left of my pregnancy. Four weeks to spend with Doug, prepare for our little nugget, and hopefully share some more content with you. But on January 31st, our little lady made a surprise appearance, four weeks early! While it was a whirlwind 24 hours, we couldn’t be happier to have welcomed Baby Ada into this world. She is total perfection. We spent February in a glorious newborn bubble. Doug was fortunate enough to have the whole month off, and we spent our time surrounded by friends and family.

I’m thrilled to report that I have loads of exciting recipes and travel guides to share with you over the coming months Curious- what sorts of things would you like to see? Comment below! Thank you, as always, for following along and joining me at this virtual kitchen table! 


the long awaited peanut noodle bowl

the long awaited peanut noodle bowl

what i'm cooking: easy summer pasta

what i'm cooking: easy summer pasta